Frequently Asked Questions
Who are some Rabbi's that perform interfaith ceremonies?
Rabbi Chava Bahle
Sage Ina Albert
What should I put on my location line?
Many folks like to have the name of the venue, some prefer to have city/state, some like all of it on the location line. We can fit most info into the lines on the Unity Ring, Med, and Daisy. On the Huppa there is limited space due to the size of the document. Please indicate what your preference is, and if we can NOT fit it all, we will contact you with suggested abbreviations.
How does the date work?
This certificate celebrates before God and all those present that on the _(Hebrew date)_ day of _(Hebrew month)_, in the year _(Hebrew year)_ corresponding to (English date/Gregorian Calendar)_ at _(location)_, If you are having our calligrapher personalize your ketuba, he will fill in all this info, so you'll only need to collect the signatures on your wedding day!
How do you ship? Any care tips?
We ship Unity Ring, Mediterranean and Daisy in a double tube to keep it safe in transit and storage until your big day. If you are traveling out of state for your ceremony, you may wish to travel with it in the original tube, just using care to extract and re-roll once the ceremony is over, until you can get it back to frame.
If you have the ability to have it framed once you get it, even in just a simple poster frame, that will help to flatten, and make it easy to display / sign on your wedding day.